Close up of Baseball Field with Baseball

Athletic Field Renovation. What You Need to Know

As an owner of an athletic field, this is something you would hope to never encounter. No matter how much maintenance is performed, your field will need to be renovated. Proper service to your athletic field can keep your field looking fresh and new for usage at any time. But with constant problematic occurrences, it will eventually dwindle into a quality not suited for any use at all.

Renovation is required when severe issues are evident. Even though your athletic field’s features appear to be kept in check even with the best service, they do have their limits. This includes severed compaction, poor drainage, and degraded grass covers, even though it may not look like it.

Keep reading to discover when and how you can manage renovating your sports field.

Less Stress in Sports Field Renovating

The word “renovations” is sometimes seen as a speedy, stressful makeover. But this is completely untrue. Take, for instance, a house undergoing renovations. Unless you happen to be working on an intensive project where a total makeover is to be done in a week, such a thing is not required to renovate a home entirely. All big projects must be taken step-by-step in order for completion. Likewise, when you decide to renovate on your athletic field, take your time and decide which steps need to be completed first before the goal is reached. In general, to complete renovations on your athletic field, focus on certain areas of the field that need attention first and progressively work on the next.

When to do Renovations on your Athletic Field

This is probably the most difficult process as deciding to renovate your field can be time-consuming and tricky. Field renovation takes place in the off-season where its usage is low. This, however, can differ in various regions. 

If you happen to live in the Mid West, say Iowa as an example, field renovations will probably be performed during the winter. Maybe even at some point in the fall. 

In Florida, however, our seasonal temperatures don’t exactly coincide with how the rest of the country operates. In the Sunshine State, there is virtually no month where the weather isn’t constant. It either rains or shines here, with occasional cold days during the winter. Simply put, in Florida, there’s practically no “off-season” for when an athletic field’s usage is low.

If you live somewhere where periodical factors prohibit the use of your field, you can perform renovations when it’s needed. But in Florida, you’ll need to analyze when it’s the best time. Analyze when your field usage will be at a low at different periods, then decide when renovations will be performed. 

And remember, as stated in the above section, complete renovation doesn’t have to be done all in one go. At one time you may decide that grass covers will suffice as a small renovative project. And in the next–perhaps months later–you can move on to another area of your field.

How to Tell if Your Field Needs a Renovation

A small field problem will turn into a bigger one no matter how much maintenance is performed. And this statement is certainly true for an athletic field. No matter how well-kempt the field is, even when it doesn’t look like a problem, it will more than likely need to be replaced. Make sure to look over your field regularly and don’t just look at it. Walk over it and see where problems are likely to occur. Especially these:


Because of some traffic and normal use, compaction is sure to follow. This is a sports field’s worst occuring issue. A compacted field will not drain properly. It holds water making the soil anaerobic which in turn results in its staleness or death. The roots will not be able to penetrate the soil and are vulnerable to drought and more damage from the above pressure. There is aerification, which with regular application, may not result in having to perform renovation in this area whatsoever.

But if this area is not treated regularly, severe issues will result.

Amending the Soil

Make sure to have a professional service help amend the soil. Landscaping services can help with both chemical and physical tests needed to identify additions and/or alterations that will maintain and benefit your field. Adding compost can greatly improve the humus level in your soil. It can help the soil structure by relieving compaction, retain water, and improve water penetration.


This is a subject that may not require your attention, but if you do decide to add sand to your field, be cautious. Sand will probably not improve drainage issues–it can actually even increase compaction. Ask your landscaping service what you should do if you decide to add sand to your fields. They’ll know what type and how much sand is needed to maintain and improve your field.

Hire STO Landscape Services for your landscaping needs in Florida

When doing renovative landscaping, a professional consultant should always accompany you. Consider hiring STO Landscape Services for your needs in athletic field maintenance, repair, or renovation. STO Landscape Services is the leading service in sports field maintenance. If interested, give us a call at  561-369-7994 or visit our contact page.