Annual Maintenance Program

A maintenance program is crucial in caring for high traffic Bermuda grass. Every season brings issues that can become costly repairs and can lead to player injuries. Our annual maintenance program is designed by experts to keep fields safe and looking good while keeping prices down.

Whether you have a new sports turf field or are working with an older athletic field, Haverland AG offers sports field maintenance programs to restore your field and keep it in pristine condition. We have knowledgeable staff who are experts when it comes to sports turf maintenance and have decades of experience working in the industry. Let us tailor a custom sports field maintenance service plan that will keep your field looking like new while maintaining a safe playing surface for your teams!

Benefits of Choosing Haverland AG for Your Sports Field Maintenance Program

By putting together a team of the top sports field maintenance experts in the industry, we are able to provide better sports field maintenance programs than any of the other companies in Florida. Because we also have extensive experience in designing and constructing sports fields of all kinds, we know what it takes to maintain them while saving on costs and extending the lifespan of the field.

Services Included in STO’s Sports Field Annual Maintenance Programs

Haverland AG provides a variety of sports field maintenance services that can all be included in our maintenance programs. We provide a wide variety of services across the sports field maintenance spectrum so that we can take care of your athletic field no matter what it needs. We work with all of our clients to determine the conditions of the field and develop a maintenance plan specific to your field to keep it in top condition and save you money by providing only the services that you need.

Get your free field maintenance quote

    • Soil Testing
    • Fertilization Plan
    • Weed Control
    • Aerification
    • Topdressing
    • Mowing
    • Verticutting
    • Overseeding
    • Insect Control

    Each client that we work with gets a catered maintenance service program dedicated strictly to their sports field. We provide specialized services based on what your field needs and we don’t make you pay for services that you don’t need. Call one of our sports field maintenance specialists today to discuss signing up for an annual maintenance program!